Intercultural Relations

NSW is one of the most culturally diverse states in the world. The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies is active in making NSW a more harmonious place for all citizens by:

  • successfully championing legal changes to protect people from incitement to racially and religiously-motivated violence
  • managing and co-hosting a number of intercultural events annually
  • running leadership training programs for people from diverse backgrounds
  • bringing high school students together for interfaith, bridge-building workshops
  • chaperoning study tours to Israel and the Territories
  • inviting people from the broader community to experience Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat) dinners

The Board of Deputies represents the Jewish community to other faith and ethnic groups, government bodies such as Multicultural NSW, and is:

Our intercultural work is guided by the Board of Deputies Community Relations Committee and managed by our Community Relations & Policy Manager Lynda Ben-Menashe.


We Are All Sydney  l  Women of Diversity Dinner  l  Haifa Day  l  Shared Table Project  l  Abraham Conference  l  Outreach Shabbat Dinners  l  Respect, Understanding, Acceptance  l  Keep NSW Safe  l  NGO Study Tour of Israel & the Territories  l  Your Shabbat, Your Way