This year the shofar comes to you

The Daily Blast – Community Connect

Get into High Holiday mode with quick insights and the daily Shofar blowing, presented as short videos by the Rabbis and Rebbetzins of Sydney – CLICK HERE

High Holy Days Portal – Emanuel Synagogue

Join Emanuel Synaoguge virtually to pray, learn and be together throughout the High Holy Day period – CLICK HERE

Together@Home 5782 – North Shore Temple Emanuel

Blending the wonders of technology with the deep meaning, stirring drama, and communal spirit of the yamim nora’im, the liturgical team at North Shore Temple Emanuel plans to make High Holy Days Together@Home 5782 an unforgettable season of reflection and renewal – CLICK HERE

A Tots service (up to age 8) is available on Zoom by pre-registration. For more information please email [email protected]