NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet announces the creation of a Religious Communities Advisory Council on Friday, June 10.

Major faith group leaders in NSW have today commended the Perrottet Government after it announced a record budget spend on NSW’s multicultural communities and the introduction of a Religious Communities Advisory Council.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet and Multicultural Minister Mark Coure today unveiled a $28 million package that will support whole-of-Government Language Services, boost community cultural events and festivals, and increase engagement with multicultural and multifaith communities.

The Government also announced the formation of the first-of-its-kind Religious Communities Advisory Council, which will comprise faith community representatives and provide an independent and consultative voice on issues of concern to ensure Government initiatives are faith enabled, and support communities across NSW.

In a joint statement on Friday, leaders of the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, Christian SRE, Australian National Imams Council, Hindu Council of Australia and Buddhist Council of NSW said the following:

“Today’s funding announcement is an important day for faith groups across our state.

“The Council will give faith groups a united voice to the Government. It will allow faith groups to voice their concerns directly to our MPs and it’s a much-needed and welcomed development.

“When communities work together, we can achieve great outcomes.

“Recently, we have seen faith leaders working together, side by side, on a number of different initiatives. This will only be enhanced and increased with the introduction of this Council.

“We are especially heartened by the announcement that the Council’s first order of business will be addressing concerns regarding the safety and security of faith institutions, which is a priority for our communities.

“An attack on one faith is an attack on us all, and the safety and security of faith communities is critical, given the rise in racial hatred across our state.

“We are grateful for the government’s support, and for listening to our communities’ collective concerns.”

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