Latest News

  • Statement on the Violent Anti-Israel Protestors 20 May 2024
    NSW Jewish Board of Deputies responds to recent rise in violent anti-Israel protests. “Over the past few days alone: Anti-Israel protesters physically attacked and manhandled Labor politicians at the Victorian ALP conference, used antisemitic and homophobic jibes to verbally abuse MPs and delegates, violently broke into the conference hall and attempted to smash down the conference ...
  • Statement on the UN General Assembly Resolution 11 May 2024
    NSW Jewish Board of Deputies responds to Australia’s vote in the UN General Assembly: “The people of Israel and Jews around the world have long yearned for peace and continue to do so. We pray for the day when Israel is no longer preyed upon by its enemies, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been resolved and young ...
  • Appointment of Chief Executive Officer 12 Apr 2024
    The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies (NSWJBD)—the representative roof-body of the NSW Jewish community—is delighted to announce the appointment of Michele Goldman as its new Chief Executive...
  • Statement on the Public Doxxing of Jews 9 Feb 2024
    NSW Jewish Board of Deputies responds to public doxxing of Jews in Australia: “This is not normal. Activists have despicably published the names, images, professions and social media accounts of 600 Jewish people who work in academia and creative industries. They have also published a spreadsheet with links to the individuals’ social media accounts and a separate ...
  • Statement in Response to Hate-preachers in Sydney 8 Jan 2024
    NSW Jewish Board of Deputies responds to the new hate-preachers in Sydney: “There have been further reports of hate-preachers in Sydney giving sermons in which Jews are depicted as either being less than human or as representing the worst of humanity. We acknowledge with appreciation the swith action of the Minns Government, with the support of the ...
  • Statement in Response to Jenny Leong’s Comments about NSW JBD 30 Nov 2023
    NSW Jewish Board of Deputies responds to the comments of Greens MP Jenny Leong at a debate last night about strengthening laws prohibiting incitement to violence referring to NSW HBD as the “very loud Jewish Board of Deputies.” “We make no apology for advocating for the interests of the Jewish community, particularly at a time of ...