Radical group under review after anti-Semitic rally in Lakemba

20 Oct 2021
Jewish groups have condemned a rally held earlier this year by extremist Muslim group Hizb-ut-Tahrir in which they called the Jews “evil filth”. James Morrow The Daily...

Walt Secord introduces Nazi symbol ban bill to NSW Parliament – Australian first

18 Oct 2021
NSW Shadow Minister for Police and Counter-Terrorism Walt Secord has introduced his bill into State Parliament to ban the display of Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols and flags...

Bathurst councillor podcasts unvaccinated to be the “Jews of the 21st century

15 Oct 2021
A podcast hosted by a Bathurst councillor claimed that unvaccinated persons would become the “Jews of the 21st century.” J-Wire October 15, 2021 In his “Alex Christian...

Nazi Yellow Stars copied to get out anti-vaxx message

14 Oct 2021
News.com.au has reported that a celebrity anti-vaxxer with 100,000 plus followers on social media had simulated the yellow Star of David used by the Nazis to identify...

NSW freedom day means back to pray

14 Oct 2021
As of Monday this week, places of worship can operate as long as all attendees wear masks and are fully vaccinated, and capacity is limited to one...