NSW Jewish Board of Deputies responds to recent rise in violent anti-Israel protests.

“Over the past few days alone: Anti-Israel protesters physically attacked and manhandled Labor politicians at the Victorian ALP conference, used antisemitic and homophobic jibes to verbally abuse MPs and delegates, violently broke into the conference hall and attempted to smash down the conference doors, forced the Premier and Deputy Premier to go into a secure room for their own security, delayed the conference proceedings and disrupted tributes to ALP legends. Violently and aggressively protested a peaceful rally against antisemitism, verbally abusing attendees at the rally and impeding their access, including one woman who was reduced to tears as she tried to enter the rally with a loved one living with a disability. 

The promoters of the counter-rally used an image of a boot crushing a Star of David and sought to gate-crash a peaceful ecumenical gathering against hate. Masked anti-Israel activists pushed over an 82 year-old man and stole his Australian flag.  A Jewish man was stalked by an anti-Israel activist shouting “kippa wearing f****t”. * Nasser Mashni, Head of APAN despicably said: “Israel and Australia share two things in common, aside from being a s–thole, racist, settler colony … Their skin is designed for northern Europe … but our skin is designed for this land, it’s designed for the Middle East”…”

See the whole statement and video HERE