2024-2026 Deputy Consent Form

2024 – 2026 Deputy Consent Form

Members – Consent Form for Individuals

Members – Consent Form for Individuals In relation to the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies Limited (the Company), I do, by this document, consent to: (a) acting and being named in the capacity of member of the Company; and (b) the terms of the constitution of the Company, including the guarantee amount of $1 for Members.

Access to Personal Information

Each Deputy must provide the following contact details to be included on a password protected database to be made available to all Deputies: a) full name, b) email address, c) the Constituent Organisation that the Constituent Deputy represents (if applicable); and d) any other contact details which a Deputy agrees to provide (in their discretion), for example, an additional email address, landline or mobile number and best days and times to be contacted. By signing this Consent Form, I consent to my personal information provided above being made available to all Deputies.

Attendance at Plenums

Under the Constitution all Deputies are expected to attend the majority of Plenums and the AGM each year. An Elected Deputy or Constituent Deputy is required to notify the Secretary prior to any plenum that the Deputy cannot attend. Failure to attend more than three meetings in a year without such prior notification will result in the Deputy ceasing to be a Deputy.

Volunteer Attendance

From time to time, the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies calls on volunteers for attendance at internal and external community engagements. Please let us know if you are interested in attending events in any of the following areas:
Please let us know if you are interested in attending events in any of the following areas: