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NSW Jewish Board of Deputies President David Ossip and CEO Darren Bark said:

“We appreciate that the Premier personally reached out to the Jewish community this afternoon to express his deep and sincere regret about his poor choice of costume as a young man.

The Premier has been a staunch supporter and friend of the NSW Jewish community throughout his time in public life. In particular, as Treasurer, he ensured the Sydney Jewish Museum received funding to ensure that it could continue educating the community about the Holocaust and the horrors of the Nazi era.

This incident, no matter how old, is a reminder of the need to continually educate all Australians – and particularly our youth –  about the abhorrent nature of the Nazi regime and the evil perpetrated in service of the Nazi ideology.

Nazi symbolism is not to be taken lightly and dressing as a Nazi is not a joke. It disrespects the millions of innocent civilians who were murdered during WWII, including six million Jews and thousands of Australian Diggers who died fighting against the Nazis.

The Premier has acknowledged this, recognising that wearing the costume was offensive and will distress many in our community. We hope that this unfortunate incident will serve as a lesson to all.”